Associated SC10 Beginner's Buying Guide has put together a buying guide that explains exactly what you need to race or bash the Associated SC10! MORE HERE

Taking Apart and Rebuilding Your SC10

At, we want to help all types of SC10 owners, and most importantly we want to help the "newbies" out there, however, you won't find any step-by-step instructions on how to disassemble or reassemble your SC10 on this website.

Knowing the in's and out's of your SC10 is important. If you bought a RTR SC10, don't worry! Your RTR came with a parts catalog and manual. Refer to your manual when you need to replace a part or change your setup. The parts catalog gives you diagrams of every assembly part in your vehicle. These two documents are extremely valuable and can be downloaded here if you do not have them - SC10 Downloads.

Knowing how your SC10 is put together is important and this is why we encourage everyone to build their own kit. While building your own kit, you learn the car from the inside out and small repairs or routine modifications will not intimidate you. We understand that most of you need to buy RTR's because of the cost savings. Just be sure to learn your SC10 and when something breaks, don't be afraid to take it apart.

When taking your SC10 apart, always keep track of all your parts and screws. These trucks are not extremely complicated. As long as you don't lose any parts, you will be able to get it back together. Remember, if you get stuck, go to your Local Hobby Shop and they will help you get going if you are polite. Be sure to buy something if they help you out. They can only afford to help people for free if those people return the favor and buy stuff!